May 2004.
The countryside....
I've been walking for hours with my heavy pack on. Why ? well its something to do you see i'm homeless and I don't want to sit in the town bus stop all day or even worse go to one of the hostels, where ive heard bad things happen.
Walking into the countryside looking for somewhere safe and away from people is what I do everyday. I got terrible blisters on the soles of my feet as there aren't any innersoles in these boots. When I finally stop its in some woods. I put up my basher (tarp) stringing it between some trees for some shelter. Roll out my sleeping mat and sit down.
Then the darkness comes. Its awfully quite in the woods on your own, I know I'm being paranoid but it seems so dark as well. Right mat back on the bag, basher down and its time to find somewhere more open.
An hour later and I'm next to a wire fence. I've strung up a sort of shelter which is helping as its drizzling and its windy. The light if fading as I boil water and put it into a bottle in a sock to help keep warm. (learnt that in the Army)
The Night passes in a fitful sleep then at first light im up and packing to keep moving. How much more of this I can do I'm not sure, I'm tired o so tired. Maybe its time to go to town..........
This is how I started off when I was first homeless and had depression before I ended up in a hostel. I was lucky that id learnt how to survive outside in the Army, but I didn't know how to survive on the streets. This combined with deoression was one of the hardest parts of my life.
Please email me on with any questions or comments